Why Your Baby Should Sleep On An Organic Mattress

Why Your Baby Should Sleep On An Organic Mattress

Preparing for Your Child’s Future

As a parent we want what is best for our children. We want them to attend the best schools, to eat the best food, and to make the best choices. From the moment they are born we are driven to provide the safest, healthiest upbringing we can give them. The choices we make for them are often huge choices like what school they should be enrolled in but they can be as simple as what mattress they sleep on. Normally we are spending about a third of our lives sleeping. Children and babies spend even more time in bed than we do. Picking out the right mattress for your baby is an important decision.

Who is Looking Out for Your Little One?

By law, mattresses are required to be flame retardant to prevent accidental household fires by cigarettes and candles. Although the law is a good thing, the way that most manufacturers go about obeying this law is not always. The most cost-effective way to create a more fireproof bed is by using man-made flame retardant chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Because they are not natural, these chemicals can often be harsh to sensitive little ones. These chemicals and others being used have been linked to ailments like allergies, asthma and even long term health affects. Switching to an organic/natural mattress is an easy way to limit your child’s chemical exposure. Organic mattresses pass the lawful requirements for being flame retardant in a way that is natural. These mattresses use naturally raised organic wool as an alternative to potentially dangerous chemicals, but at an added price that many mattress manufacturers are not willing to shell out.

Switching Mattresses can Make a Difference

Organic mattresses are an easy health switch to make with young children. Getting them to eat their vegetables or take a bath might be a fight, but they won’t know the difference between a traditional and an organic mattress! Not only are they void of harmful chemicals, people have been known to sleep better on organic mattresses, tossing and turning less, and getting a full night’s sleep. Some parents even write that since switching their child to an organic mattress, he or she has slept through the night for the first time. Wool also naturally absorbs sweat, keeping you cooler during the summer, but warmer during the winter, balancing your child’s temperature as they sleep. No more waking up after a long summer night to a sweaty baby or worrying that your child isn’t warm enough during the deep winter.

Another added bonus of the organic qualities of these mattresses is that they are made with natural rubber or latex, both of which are dust mite resistant. No chemicals or toxins are used in the process of creating the rubber giving it added bonuses like being hypoallergenic and anti-bacterial. All together these mattresses are toxin free and made naturally to avoid irritating allergens or exposure to other nasty chemicals that can cause health concerns.

Making the right choice for your child is not always easy, but you can’t go wrong with choosing an organic mattress. There is no downside to switching beside up front cost. It’s easy and your child won’t know the difference. In fact, they may sleep better than they did on their traditional mattresses! Organic mattresses cut down on the time your child spends exposed to chemicals and helps them (and you) rest easy.